The Thompson RCMP file charges regarding the illegal transportation and sale of liquor

Sathia Kumar

Seized liquorA vehicle on Mystery Lake Drive in Thompson was the subject of a traffic stop on March 26, 2023, around 5:30 p.m., by a Thompson RCMP officer.

As the four-passenger vehicle was approached by the officer, several large bags containing booze were clearly visible.

He informed the male driver that they were returning to Cross Lake, where it is illegal to possess or sell alcohol, to attend a wedding.

Under the Liquor, Gaming, and Cannabis Control Act (LGCCA), the 25-year-old driver, two 21- and 20-year-old male passengers, and a 17-year-old female passenger were all arrested for offenses. They were all from Cross Lake.

A second search of the vehicle yielded an additional quantity of booze.

Under the LGCCA, the male driver, who was 25 years old, was then charged with delivering liquor to a location where alcohol could not legally be kept or owned. Each charge conveys a fine of $2542.00.

The seized liquor is estimated to have a street value of more than $3600 for resale in the Cross Lake Community.

The RCMP of Manitoba has pledged to collaborate with First Nation communities that have enacted bylaws prohibiting the sale and possession of alcoholic beverages and have requested that enforcement be prioritized. In accordance with the expressed wishes of community leadership, these enforcement actions will continue.

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